Complete E-Commerce based Supply Chain Solutions.
Youthful & Articulate, we are a young organization driven by young leaders and a team, full of energy. We believe in striking the right balance between aggression and planning, we are hungry and we are open to the possibilities of the future.
Our youthful approach has led to the most modern high-tech-driven systems, offering faster turnaround times for our clients. Our planning and experience have led to many delighted clients in a short period.


Our Mission is to enable growth through E-Commerce, for everyone with the changing times. We strive to create a completely value-based E-Commerce platform for National & International brands in both India and abroad while creating an organization that is the desired place to work for everyone.


We aspire to build a non-conventional system of business that optimizes the costs and brings out the best performances in the business for investors, individuals, and just about anyone.

Every story starts with a plot, ours was simple.
Beginning of our Story!

Bharat Singhal and Shivans Gupta started Urban Retail in June 2015, with a vision to solve the challenges that hyperlocal companies face with organized dark stores dedicated to marketplaces such as PepperTap, Ask me grocery, Lalaji Online, Grofers, and BigBasket. We cater to these companies for real-time priority buying and fulfilling their app-based orders without any breach.
Next was fulfilling on-demand inventories for Grofers and BigBasket, where we supplied more than 90% fill rates in the given 6-7 hours time window.

2015 : The Beginning

Urban Retail Private Limited was started in 2015 to offer a tech based distribution support for E-Commerce.

2016 : The Partnerships

In 2016, we partnered with many brands for distribution in modern trade, alternate channels, e-commerce, etc

2017 : The Evolution

Urban Retail in 2017 evolved with time and the vision got clearer with market evolution, we became national and partnered with Paytm mall.

2018 : The Expansion

Coming forward in 2018, Urban Retail made itself a perfect fit for eCommerce and discontinued services for Modern Trade, and expanded its wings to Mumbai.

2019 : The Assurance

In 2019, Urban Retail tied up with amazon vendor flex modal and launched in Bangalore with continued partnership with brands.

2020 : The Pandemic

In 2020 - Urban Retail took the hit of covid and serves a bigger audience without fail and with the support of the team in such challenging times twice. we could make it through it.

Post Pandemic (2021-2022)

Tied up with Flipkart alpha lite model in 2021 and in 2022 launched Kolkata Warehouse & started as a seller with prime and assured badging to offer complete E-Commerce Solutions.
Executive Team

Our success is a result of teamwork, building upon our technical expertise, and creative styled full-service solutions to our clients.

We have been progressing on our path to the future, a day at a time.
The Journey has just begun!

This is our journey, from a humble start to one of the Country’s most favored E-Commerce Onboarding & Supply Chain organizations.


Starting Point
Urban retail started India's first grocery dark store and gave its services to Nuvo Logistics Pvt Ltd. (formerly Peppertap)


First Expansion
Opened a fulfillment center for on-demand fulfillment and served to Grofers, BigBasket, Peppertap, Ask-me Grocery, etc.


Growing Fast
Associated with amazon India through Cloudtail, started modern retail supply for all Big Bazaar, Reliance, smart, Spencer, Spar, Hypermarkets, etc


Expanding our Presence
Became seller with Paytm mall. Expanded operations to Mumbai & Hyderabad


The Growth Story
Fulfillment for Amazon, Flipkart, and seller flex, smart fulfillment with prime and assured badging, and starting cold-supply chain and fulfillment as standard at all locations, were highlights of 2019.


During the Pandemic
Launched operations in Bengaluru


Pandemic Aftermath
With increasing online sales, our capacities expanded across all centers.


Continuing to Grow
Launched the Kolkata Operations